How to Claim Rewards on SwanFi
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To claim your staking rewards, follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to the Withdrawals Tab
Navigate to the SwanFi withdrawal tab and connect your wallet.
Step 2: Request or Claim
In the withdrawals section, you will see two options: Request and Claim.
Request is used to initiate the withdrawal of your staked SWAN. This step converts your fSWAN into SWAN.
Claim is used to withdraw your OP rewards.
The withdrawals tab defaults to "Request." To claim your rewards, switch to "Claim."
Step 3: Choose Your Rewards
Select the rewards you wish to claim. For more information on the reward pools, visit: SwanFi Reward Pools.
Once you've selected your rewards, click "Claim." Then, sign and confirm the claim transaction when prompted.
Note: To claim Swan, ensure your wallet is connected to the Swan Chain. To claim OP, make sure your wallet is switched to the Optimism Network.
If you encounter any issues during the claim process and are unable to complete it, you can check their status under "Pending Claim" and proceed by clicking the "Continue" button.
Step 4: Check Reward Details
You can visit the [Rewards Tab] to view detailed information about your rewards, including the fSWAN balance, OPbalance, OP APR, and even export your reward history.